S.O.A.R. Hospitality and Travel YLC, Inc.

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Virtual Business & Entrepreneurship Youth Bootcamp- Fall 2021 Series II

WE ARE BACK!! Let the fun begin! This exciting course is being offered nationwide and caters to students in grades 10th-12th. It will run from October 19th to December 2nd via ZOOM. Participants will complete a total of 7 classes over four weeks. Upon completion of the course you will earn a certificate of achievement, gain continued access to mentoring and networking opportunities, and even have a chance to win a monetary award if selected as one of the program's top two performers!

There will be a mandatory virtual kick off orientation on 10/18/21 @ 6:30-7:30pm followed by seven exciting interactive, and fully engaging, fundamentals classes. **All classes must be attended**. Please review your availability before applying. Questions can be directed to (info@letssoarnj.org).

We also offer an Advanced series…please contact us for details!!